Welcome to Tracy's Canine HQ

Once a member of Dog Training Club

sign in here

Book your dog into your classes

Composed K9

Composed K9 Calming Supplement
Do you want a calmer dog?
A calmer dog takes on training quicker, most undesirable behaviour in dogs is down to insecurity or anxiety. This product is an all natural powder to be sprinkled on some wet food with human grade ingredients, lots of our customers use this product with 5* reviews

Click here to order yours

Terms & Conditions of both clubs

Dog Training Club at Tracy's Canine HQ

Each 4 week membership is for 4 consecutive weeks.

Dogs must be sociable on & off lead to attend the classes

If your membership lapses your place will be offered to our waiting list  & you can then be added to our waiting list for when you wish to return.

Each week your membership entitles you to 1 of our 3 classes on a Sunday. We can't guarantee you will get the class you want however if you want a guarantee you can purchase your Fast track Ticket which allows you to pick which class you want for each week of your membership

You can share a membership with two dogs from the same household but only one of your dogs can attend a class per week so you could alternate them.

All dogs must have filled out the training paperwork for Canine HQ to attend

If you can't make a week there will be no refund given or we cannot defer a class.

Doggie Social Club

Each social is 4.5 hours including transportation of your dog

Each social will include at least one dog park hire

If you can't attend the doggie social or miss the dog bus there will be no refund given however if you give us prior notice of your non attendance we can re-advertise your slot & defer you to a later session if replaced.

Each dog must be fully sociable on & off lead with dogs & people to attend the socials, its to keep dogs well balanced & to create a core friendship group not to rehabilitate.

All dogs need to fill out paperwork for the doggie social.

All dogs must be fully vaccinated & flea/ tick treated to attend.

Your paperwork is at the bottom of this page

Welcome to our services...

Our Canine HQ Dog Training Club is currently FULL however we have got a waiting list if you would like to be part of our club. We ask that all dogs have done a Foundation level obedience elsewhere to enter our group to make sure they meet our entry requirements. Each dog will need to attend one class (chargeable) to be assessed for entry.

For our Doggie Social Club see dates released monthly below...